Art for Today —

Glasgow Art Fair

art for sale art on line art on the wall artist Christos Gallery Contemporary art Elaine C Smith framed art gift art glasgow Glasgow art glasgow art club Glasgow Art Fair Glasgow Contemporary Art Fair j p mclaughlin John Barrowman Kelvin Grove online art online artart online ready to hang art red coat Saatchi Art Gallery Saatchi J P McLaughlin Saatchi online scotland scottish scottishart

Glasgow Art Fair

Glasgow Contemporary Art Fair

A day to visit and art fair as the sun shines in May.


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Vettriano & McLaughlin

art for sale art on line black and white glasgow Glasgow art j p mclaughlin jack vettriano online art online artart online original art red coat scotland Scotland correspondent scottish scottishart the Independant vettriano

Vettriano & McLaughlin

Joe McLaughlin's latest painting shouts about an aggressive, "bullying" art world after he unwittingly became entangled with one of Britain's best-known contemporary artists


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