Art for Today — hansel art
The Red Coat. J P Mclaughlin
art for sale art on line art on the wall artist Charity art show Contemporary art Glasgow art Hansel hansel art Hansel charity ball Hansel Village online art original paintings paintings for sale red red coat

"The Red Coat" is a small 8x8 inch painting and only available from the Hansel exhibition and if past events are anything to go by this will be sold as soon as the show opens. So if you are interested get in touch with Hansel to find out how to purchase this art. I am once again delighted to announce my entry for artists to donate an original "Little Painting" for the Art Exhibition and Sale which will take place from Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th June 2019 at the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, Alloway. The first Hansel art event took...
Hansel Little Paintings & J P McLaughlin
art art for sale art on line Charity art show framed art Hansel hansel art Hansel Village j p mclaughlin original art ready to hang art red coat scotland scottish scottishart Steven Brown Steven Brown art wall art wee mac art

Hansel Little Paintings An art exhibition for Hansel Village with all art donated by some of Scotlands' leading artists including J P McLaughlin, Steven Brown, Gerard Burns and more. The show opens 28th Feb for a preview and if you would you like to attend the Preview Night for Little Paintings Help Hansel Grow Art Event sponsored by Steven Brown Art and meet some of the artists? Get in touch, the show will be open to the public Thursday 1st - Sunday 4th March. To add your name to the guest list please contact the Fundraising Department on 01563 830340 or...
Kilchurn red coat Hansel Village Exhibition
art for sale art on line art on the wall artist framed art Hansel hansel art Hansel Village j p mclaughlin John Barrowman online art online artart online original art ready to hang art red red coat scottish scottishart Steven Brown art

Hansel Village "Little paintings"
art art for sale art on line art on the wall artist black and white bnw framed art gift gift art glasgow Glasgow art glasgow art club Hansel hansel art j p mclaughlin John Barrowman online artart online original art ready to hang art red red coat scotland scottish scottishart wall art
'Little Paintings' art event, showcasing some of Scotland's finest artists, will be held for the first time at Murdoch House on the Broadmeadows Estate at Hansel from Sunday 13th to Tuesday 15th March 2016. All the paintings will be displayed in the beautiful Mansion House, where the charity began over 50 years ago. This highly acclaimed exhibition has specially commissioned works from some of the most sought-after artists in Scotland J P McLaughlin, Jett Vivere and Kate McLaughlin as well as some highly talented local amateurs.Entry to the exhibition is free and it is a great opportunity to invest in...
John Barrowman & J P McLaughlin
art art for sale art on line art on the wall artist black and white Elaine C Smith framed art gift gift art glasgow Glasgow art glasgow art club Hansel hansel art j p mclaughlin jack vettriano John Barrowman marie curie art online art online artart online original art Paris Red Coat ready to hang art red red coat scotland scottish scottishart vettriano

John Barrowman with J P McLaughlin photograph by Jett Vivere We had an interesting guest just before Christmas when John Barrowman popped in for a visit and to look at some of the new art in the studio to see the art as it is produced.As always delighted to meet an art lover and John Barrowman certainly likes the art. His most famous television role is undoubtedly that of sci-fi hero Captain Jack Harkness, whose first appearance in the revamped Doctor Who created such an impact that he was given his own spin off series, Torchwood. The show achieved the best viewing figures ever on BBC America and has been broadcast...