Hockney on Art

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David Hockney thinks art has become "less". Hockney blames the art establishment (art schools) for being enamoured with conceptual art: "It gave up on images a bit" .

Hockney means that the artworld ignored figurative art: paintings, sculptures, to represent the known world: the sort of art Hockney makes: landscapes, portraits.

He feels, museums and galleries have jumped into the unmade bed of conceptual crap art. But Hockney says "the power is with images", and in neglecting them the artworld is diminished.

  • Born 1937 in Yorkshire
  • Early star of British Pop Art scene
  • Found fame painting sunlit male nudes in swimming pools of Hollywood
  • More recently his focus has shifted to landscapes of his home county

Hockney together with Lucian Freud exhibition that will be opening at the the National Portrait Gallery -  figurative art will once again start to  dominant genre in the contemporary exhibitions and displays in New York's Museum of Modern Art.

The paintings of urban Coventry by George Shaw were shortlisted for last year's Turner Prize. He didn't win. But maybe this year will be different, and an artist who produces landscapes or portraits or still lifes will carry the day?

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